After enduring three years of hardship, the long fight for Pitseng Gaoberekwe’s burial rights has finally come to an end.
Speaking at his maiden State of the Nation Address (SONA), President Advocate Duma Gideon Boko promised a dignified burial for Pitseng at his ancestral land in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR). Under Boko, the new government has vowed to respect human rights, including those of minority and marginalized groups.
For three years, Gaoberekwe’s body remained in a mortuary as his family refused to bury him outside the CKGR. The family was entangled in a protracted legal battle with the previous government, a matter that eventually reached the Court of Appeal. The apex court ruled against Gaoberekwe’s family.
The new government, under President Advocate Duma Gideon Boko, announced its decision to abandon the Court of Appeal’s judgment, allowing Gaoberekwe to be buried in Metsiamanong, his ancestral home within the CKGR.
President Boko reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to human rights and respecting indigenous traditions, adding that the state would cover all mortuary fees to relieve the family of financial strain after the prolonged dispute.
The late elder’s body was transported from Ghanzi to the CKGR on December 9 and has been laid to rest today, December 10—International Human Rights Day. This decision reflects a renewed focus on human rights and justice for the Basarwa under the new leadership.